IGHSAU Postseason Lead-Up Event Live Video Broadcasting
Media outlets and interested schools or individuals may apply to the IGHSAU regarding video broadcasting access at select postseason lead-up events while following procedures required for access.
Advertising, Sponsorships & Other Partnerships
The IGHSAU, either directly or indirectly through its agents, shall not enter into advertising agreements, sponsorships or any other partnership with organizations or companies primarily involved in gambling or gambling related activities, including lotteries.
The IGHSAU, either directly or indirectly through its agents, shall not accept advertising or sponsorships or partner in any other manner with organizations or companies which promote alcohol or alcohol-related products, tobacco or tobacco-related products, or any other products that are not legal for possession or consumption by individuals ages 18 and under, or which negatively impact the best interests of its member schools or interscholastic athletics.