The following rules and regulations are applicable to coaches and administrators for Iowa girls high school sports.
Rules Meetings
Rule meeting attendance viewing for head coaches is mandatory. A head coach who does not attend/view a rule meeting will be prohibited from coaching his/her team during the tournament series.
Find you the current rules meeting for your sport by logging into your school's Bound page.
Boys Playing on Girls Teams
Males shall be excluded from female athletic teams.” This action by the Iowa Girls’ High School Athletic Union Board of Directors, September 9, 1990. “... because the purpose of Title IX is to provide females with more opportunities, because keeping males off female teams is a permissible means of achieving this purpose, and because the majority of courts have held that there is a reasonable distinction between females and males in the athletic context, ... Directors re-affirm the policy of the IGHSAU to exclude males from high school and junior high female teams.” This action by the Iowa Girls’ High School Athletic Union Board of Directors, June 28, 2006. A legal opinion on this subject can be found in the policies and regulations section on the IGHSAU website.
If a coach/player is ejected from a game/match, he/she does not coach/play for the remainder of that game/match or any additional games/matches on that same date. Any sanction issued by the school or State Office will be served on a subsequent date after review of the filed reports.
When a coach is serving a suspension, he/she may not coach and must be out of sight and sound of the contest venue. He/She is not permitted to watch the contest(s) as a spectator unless he/she has a daughter playing in the contest(s). If a player is serving a suspension, she may not be in uniform or participate in the contest(s) or pre-game warm-up, but local policy determines if she may be in street clothes on the bench, dugout, etc.
Should a coach or player be ejected from a contest in any sport, the following procedure is in effect.
First Offense
The school administration and game officials shall notify the State Office the following business day. The school administration must meet with the offender and file the Ejection Report form (found online at the IGHSAU website) with the State Office. The Offender must write a written summary of the events which led to the ejection with the State Office. Ejected players must watch the NFHS Sportsmanship Video. This is a free video. Ejected coaches must view the NFHS Teaching and Modeling Behavior Video. There is a fee to view this video. Players and coaches must watch this video before being able to return to play or coach. The normal penalty for a first offense is a one-date suspension. However, a lesser or more severe penalty may apply upon review of the incident.
Second Offense
The school administration and game officials shall notify the State Office the following business day. Written report is mandated, as required procedurally with a first offense. The standard penalty for a second offense within one year of the initial offense, is school membership sanction and the violator is subject to a multi-date suspension. However, more severe penalties may apply if warranted.
Third Offense
The school administration and game officials shall notify the State Office the following business day. Written report is mandated, as required procedurally with a first and second offense. The penalty for a third offense will be determined after a formal hearing by the Board of Directors.
- To file a rejection, please fill out the Ejection Report.
- All coaches are required to view the NFHS Sportsmanship video, and coaches who are ejected are required to view the NFHS Coaching video.
Guidance on Cancer Awareness Activities
If your school district would like to participate in cancer awareness activities, please read the follow guidelines on what’s acceptable for each sport.